Why did i make this site?

Hello everyone! My name is Artemisia (I also go by Lycalopex and F0xzilla) and this is my personal website, made to replace my carrd site. I switched over from carrd to neocities because i didnt like the limitations it had, (i also dont like drag and drop type services) and because a friend recommended neocities.
Important note: i also LOVE foxes a lot
Note: you might need to hit CTRL + R to see the newest updates made to the site, due to the way i structured it.
About this site

Just like my carrd site, this page will be used to post a decently organized portfolio of my personal projects,
and it may also be used as a blog/a place to post advancements and WIP stuff.
I will be posting my music, games, pixel art, and maybe logging some ideas and concepts in here (those will possibly go into the entries tab on the left (what entries tab?) , or i may replace it for a dynamic sitemap if i figure out how those work). (07/12/22: never figured those out)
To learn more about my projects check out the other articles in this site!